AIM Group International and SIAARTI awarded for the highly innovative SIAARTI Academy 2017

AIM Group International and SIAARTI awarded for the highly innovative SIAARTI Academy 2017

AIM Group International and SIAARTI (Italian Society of Anaesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care) have recently received two international awards for the SIAARTI Academy 2017, the BEA World Awards Silver Elephant, in the Educational/Training Event category, and the Collaboration Award, one of the four Driving Excellence Awards of IAPCO (International Association of Professional Congress Organisers).

"We are honoured to receive these two prestigious awards, outlines Patrizia Buongiorno, vice president of AIM Group International, and we are especially glad to have partnered with SIAARTI.  This outstanding educational event attracted a large number of participants, created a totally out-of-the-box training program and left a positive legacy at the destination. This recognition accentuates our strong collaboration with SIAARTI as well as AIM Group’s commitment to excellence."

For this first edition of the SIAARTI Academy, AIM Group International worked with the client to define, design and organise an innovative way to train and involve more than 100 young specialists from 38 post-graduate Italian schools.

The strong collaboration created a complex and highly unique training event offering theoretical and hands-on sessions including plenary presentations, a series of lectures for smaller groups, hands-on experiences with experts and training with stations that were complete with the most up-to-date simulators.

The event closed with a maxi simulation in collaboration with the Coast Guard and the Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross. The sinking of a boat was simulated and field hospitals were situated on the beach. The 100 specialists were divided into groups that played different roles such as the wounded, rescuers and observers. The situation was a test of their ability to implement what they had learned in the previous days. It was not just a “classroom” training course, these young doctors "dressed the part" making it a very realistic experience with great emotional impact.

It was thanks to these many moments of working together while exposed to local realities that the group of specialists were able to build a strong synergy and create a cohesive atmosphere. It was an experience of collaboration on many levels and all of those involved came away with confidence and appreciation of themselves and others.

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