Czech Republic is One of the TOP 10 Countries in Regards to Achieving the Goals of Sustainable Development

Czech Republic is One of the TOP 10 Countries in Regards to Achieving the Goals of Sustainable Development

Newly updated UN Sustainable Development Report 2019 ranked the Czech Republic seventh most developed in achieving the Goals of Sustainable Development out of the total of 162 evaluated countries. The Czech Republic is thus getting to the forefront of efforts to meet the sustainable development objectives with regards to nature conservation and, consequently, to a sustainable approach to events and the meetings industry.

The report is annually published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung, that brings together experts focusing on sustainable development. The aim of the report is primarily to encourage countries to adopt a sustainable approach to the development of the whole society, which will be consistent with nature conservation.

The total of 17 criteria divided into 6 areas are monitored, and the degree of their fulfilment by each country is examined. Each goal is set to be met in 2030. The Czech Republic’s overall score in the ranking amounted to 80,7 points, which is about 3,9 % more than the regional average. Czechia is doing well especially within the following indexes: no poverty, quality of education, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities and life on land. In these areas, the Czech Republic should meet the set goals in 2030 with no problems. On the other hand, significant challenges remain in the areas such as climate action, gender equality or partnerships to meet the goals.

In this respect, the Government of the Czech Republic adopted an implementation plan last year, which sets out the specific measures needed to meet the individual objectives. Based on this plan, the first report on accomplishing the UN goals will be presented in 2020.

The ranking is unsurprisingly dominated by the Scandinavian countries: Denmark with 85.2 points, Sweden (85 points) and Finland (82.8 points). The Czech Republic was ranked seventh-best together with Norway, both achieving 80.7 points.

The complete UN report is available here. An online interactive overview of the report can be found on this link.

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