Czechs Fly More Frequently and Their Satisfaction with Václav Havel Airport Prague Continues to Grow
On average, each Czech who likes travelling flies more than once a year. Concurrently, the mental connection between Václav Havel Airport Prague and travelling has strengthened. It is perceived as the airport of first choice which corresponds with Prague Airport’s vision. According to regular surveys concluded by Prague Airport, still more Czechs enjoy travelling. Their present share of the overall number of passengers is over 35%.
The survey has also confirmed a very positive perception of Václav Havel Airport Prague – 96% of passengers evaluated the airport experience to be positive and half of Czech passengers labelled their airport experience very good. In the last 15 months, the airport image has improved in the following aspects: pleasant, well organized, easy to navigate, friendly, cheap.
The above facts are based on regular surveys concluded by the Median agency for Prague Airport with a pool of 3,000 respondents.