Food Truck Catches On!

Food Truck Catches On!

The city has been swarming with food trucks lately…

Zátiší Catering has got one of them recently and dressed it up beautifully. You might have seen it at a few public events already: at the Neon food lounge  on the Slovanský ostrov during the Signal festival; at three Smíchovská náplavka events -  Husobraní („Goose Feast“), Polívkování („Soup Feast“) and Vepřobraní („Pork Feast“); and also at the „Experience America“ event at Anděl. These, undoubtedly, have not been its last public appearances.

Newly, the corporate clientele can hire the Food Truck together with the catering service for their own company events. It offers, for example, a possibility to serve mulled wine as an outdoor welcome drink at Christmas parties, or to savour freshly roasted chestnuts from a cone. Even more interesting is the possibility to enjoy the advantages of this lovely vehicle indoors, as a part of the event. It is actually an electromobile, and as such, it does not pollute the environment with the toxic or audio emissions. It can also be employed for welcome receptions and, what is more, it can be branded for individual events. And that might come in immensely handy for street food and similar concepts! Your guests could thus come to pick up their poutine, burgers, hot dogs, soups, Indian specialities and many other delicacies…

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