Pharmacoepidemiology introduces the recent advances in Prague in 2018
ICPE conference is an annual meeting iniciated by ISPE and it usually attracts 1 500 delegates. This conference is engaged with advanced trends in pharmacoepidemiology (P-epi), which is a science started to develop from the end of 60´s. It is a brunch of epidemiology and built good platform for co-operation of physicians, pharmacists, epidemiologist, pharmacologist, statisticians and other professionals.
With the New Year we are delighted to announce a new interesting congress coming in 2018. The 34th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE 2018) will take place in the Prague Congress Centre in the latter half of 2018. This event proves that long- term partnership matters, because ICPE 2018 is another joint success of Prof. Jiří Vlček and C-IN´s cooperation.
The organising institution of ICPE is the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE), which is a non-profit international professional membership organization dedicated to advancing the health of the public by providing a forum for the open exchange of scientific information and for the development of policy; education for the field of pharmacoepidemiology, including pharmacovigilance. With members in 53 countries and national chapters in Argentina, Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands, ISPE truly provides an international forum of scientific disciplines involved in studying drugs.
P-epi studies a use and effect of medicine in specific populations. It focuses on the relationships between patient and medicines in their real live and provides the public, drug authorities and health care professionals information about recent risk/benefit ratio for different population groups, recent safety profile of medicines according interaction of medicine with different population groups and an effect of different handling with medicine by process of prescription, dispensation, distribution and use.
Prague´s conference in 2018 will be held upon invitation of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové represented by prof. Jiří Vlček, who is the one of the leading persons in the Czech focusing on pharmacoepidemiology and clinical pharmacy. The Czech Republic has a generally strong tradition in the field proved by conferences held in Prague in recent years such as ESCP 2013, ISOP 2015 and ESPACOMP 2015.
All events were supported by organisational services of the C-IN company. Prof. Vlček together with C-IN team members took also advantage of ICPE 2016 in Dublin and met the board to discuss details of Prague´s conference.