Radiology conference that touched both a professional and personal level

Radiology conference that touched both a professional and personal level

The Congress of the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR 2016) took place in the Prague Congress Centre from the 12th to the 17th of June, 2016.

“Nowadays a congress is full of workshops and presentations about ultrasound, MDCT, MRI, PET-CT and PET-MR, which are fundamental for every radiologist. But some things never change. ESGAR still has the same atmosphere and enthusiasm. Thanks to this congress, every year many young radiologists are inspired to devote themselves to this subspecialty of radiology,” says Prof. Vlastimil Válek, the Meeting President, uncovering one of the key objectives for organising conferences currently.

ESGAR, based in Vienna, is a non-profit, educational and scientific organisation founded by radiologists working in close association with gastroenterologists, hepatologists, abdominal surgeons, pathologists, and other allied specialists. Its members have a special interest in the imaging and treatment of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and associated abdominal organs.

The annual congress, the most important event of the society's calendar, consists of invited educational lectures, workshops, scientific presentations and satellite symposia structured in conjunction with industrial partners.

C-IN organisationally supported the 2016 edition of ESGAR with registration assistance, technical support and other DMC services. Thanks to the successful involvement in ESGAR 2016, the cooperation on a long-term basis has been already settled and we are looking forward to further development.

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