The Largest Congress of European Family Doctors WONCA 2020 This Time in a Virtual Form
These days (16.12.-19.12.2020) the first and at the same time the largest virtual congress of European family doctors - European Conference of Family Doctors - DEGAM Annual Congress (WONCA 2020) is taking place.
The congress was originally supposed to take place in physical form in Berlin, which is not possible due to the ongoing pandemic. So the organizers decided not to cancel the event, but instead accepted the challenge, and decided to turn such a large event into a virtual form.
The congress opened with a beautiful ceremony featuring the Ode to Joy, the anthem of the EU. A press conference was held as part of the congress, to which questions from journalists from all over the European Union were answered by the organizing committee of the event, headed by the president of WONCA 2020, Prof. Dr. copper. Erikou Baum.
,,We are now proud to see that the new format, of the combination, reduced but highly attractive program with live discussions and the larger virtual library with all excepted presentations which can be seen actually till the end of January and give the opportunity to come in contact and comments.” Prof. Dr. med. Erica Baum, President of WONCA 2020
,,We are united in the fact of the problems. and when I say we, that I mean all the general practitioners, institutions around Europe. we are united at the fact of the problems of this pandemic exist worldwide in all countries. although we have different health systems in Europe. all face the same challenges. and this is why I am all then more pleased that we have succeeded in organizing an online congress under these difficult conditions.“ Prof. Martin Scherer vice president of the German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (DEGAM).
During the four-day congress for more than 1 600 registered participants 5 parallel sections, 30 live workshops, a virtual library, an exhibition and WONCA Village are prepared.
WONCA 2020 is organized by GUARANT International, which already organized 8 virtual conferences and congresses in the autumn of this year.