Hermitage Hotel Prague

Experience the unique atmosphere of a former printing house. Originally built in 1907, the spectacular Art Nouveau facade will lead you to the contemporary four star Hermitage Hotel Prague. The hotel offers 210 comfortably furnished rooms, Type Restaurant offering Czech and international cuisines, bar for evening relaxation, fitness center, and professional grounds for holding conferences. Ideally located on the south side of Prague´s historic centre. The Náplavka riverbank markets, the Unesco listed Vyšehrad Park and Cathedral as well as Prague Congress Centre are on your doorstep.

  • 6

    Conference rooms
  • 210

Hermitage Hotel Prague

Individual rooms

Name Area (m²) Width Height Theatre Banquet Classroom Reception
Verdana 152 -- 4 156 100 100 --
Arial 29 -- 4 15 10 10 --
Courier 38 -- 4 30 20 24 --
Lucida 38 -- 4 30 20 24 --
Tahoma 39 -- 4 30 20 24 --
Courier&Lucida&Tahoma 115 -- 4 110 70 64 --
Conference App. 502 40 -- 2 20 -- 16 --