Hotel Roma Prague
Hotel Roma Prague is disposing with 3 different spaces suitable for organising of private or business meetings and various events.Capacity is up to 100 participants.
All standard technical equipment is available in all of the spaces, price includes:
- high speed internet connection
- flipchart
- beamer
- slide projector
- CD player
- screens and many others
Coffee breaks, catering or other type refreshment is available upon request.
Individual rooms
Name | Area (m²) | Width | Height | Theatre | Banquet | Classroom | Reception |
Konferenční místnost | 30 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 25 | -- |
Restaurant | 80 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 60 | -- |
Lobby Bar | 120 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 100 | 100 |