AI Science Café Series 2020
Artificial Intelligence (AI), the 21st century new phenomenon, evolved out of the realm of science fiction and a few technologically advanced minds and IT experts, became a topic of everyday discussion and one of the key drivers of the future progress of humankind.
The objective of the AI Science Café Series, consisting of five presentations by high profile, world acclaimed experts, is to introduce, present, and publicly discuss various topics that impact our professional as well as our personal lives. As AI topics clearly generate more questions than answers, the Science Café will strive to unveil trends and expectations from the inevitable social and technological changes which the future will bring.
The AI Science Café Series are organized by the Czech Centre London in cooperation with the prestigious Royal Institution that hosts two of the five events at its premises in central London. The Czech Centre London has also been cooperating with the Czech Technical University (CTU) Prague AI Centre intensely. The Czech Centre London has succeeded in gaining genuinely big names in their fields of expertise for the series of lectures. For example, prof. Michal Pěchouček, whose discussion will be moderated by Michael Luck, dean of the prestigious King’s College London, Michal Čáp, Tomáš Krajník, Jan Šedivý or Jonathan Ledgard.
"Artificial Intelligence is the future. The Czech Centre in the United Kingdom presents innovative and creative topics that are contemporary and open to the trends of future. This is a simple concept that attracted attention of such a prestigious London institution as the Royal Institute. AI Science Café Series 2020 Project , which is based on the innovative strategy of the Czech Republic, presents our technological advancement and top advancement level in a number of AI fields ranging from personal security and protection to autonomous mobility, communication AI, chronorobotisation or applying AI in nature preservation in a comprehensive format abroad for the first time,“ says Přemysl Pela, director of the Czech Centre in London.
But artificial intelligence will not be discussed only abroad. In the coming months, Prague will welcome experts from around the world at several major events focusing on machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotics.
The closest one is Machine Learning Prague 2020. The annual Prague conference is one of the largest in Europe. This year, thousands of delegates are expected to attend, including 45 speakers from companies and organizations such as NASA, Apple, Dell, Microsoft and Avast in three days and participating in dozens of workshops.
Another event that will follow in October 2020, is CyberSec & AI Prague, an annual conference organized by Avast in cooperation with the CTU. The event will focus on how ongoing developments in AI are transforming cyber security methods.
In autumn 2021, Prague will welcome the IROS (The IEEE / RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems). It is one of the largest and most prestigious conferences dealing with robotics research worldwide. For Prague, more than 3,300 delegates are expected to participate. The city won this conference already in 2016 thanks to the successful candidacy of the local ambassador of the event - Ing. Libor Přeučil, CSc., who was awarded at the Ambassador Awards Evening, organized annually by the Prague Convention Bureau.